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Dynamometer and Engine Testing Unit

AVAILABILITY Unavailable until September 2012
TRAINING Training is required to use this item and we can arrange this if needed.
CUSTODIAN Adrian Broster
Enquire about this item
SITE West Park


Consisting of a Froude Hofmann (formerly Froude Consine) AG150 HS dynamometer, a Ford Zetec SE 1.4l engine, a Rover K Series 1.4l engine, and x4 Kistler Piezo resistive amplifiers.

Please see item listings for the Froude Hofmann AG150HS Dynamometer and the Kistler Piezo Resistive Amplifiers for more information on these individual items.

Associated Items

  • Eddy Current Dynamometer

    Eddy Current Dynamometer

    Eddy current dynamometer specifically designed for engine testing
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    • Manufacturer: Froude Hofmann
    • Technique: Engine Testing
    • Organisational Unit: Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering

Item ID #1959.

Last Updated: 4th December, 2018

Dynamometer and Engine Testing Unit