Open circuit, closed throat, large wind tunnel for both automotive and aeronautical research.
- Contraction Ratio of 7.4:1
- Parallel, steady flow in working section
- Velocity variation in the working area of the jet to be less than 0.2% deviation from the average
- Angular variation in the working area of the jet to be less than 0.1 degree deviation from the average flow angle
- Target working section velocity of 40m/s (90 mph) to allow representative Reynolds numbers to be acheived.
- Target working section turbulence intensity of 0.15% to allow high quality aeronautical research to be undertaken.
- Retractable moving ground-plane with leading edge and under-belt suction.
- 6-Component, underfloor, virtual-centre balance.
- Maximum model weight is 30kg
Item ID #877.
Last Updated: 1st November, 2012