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Plasma Cleaner

MANUFACTURER Fischione (manufacturer's website)
MODEL Fischione 1020
TRAINING Training is required to use this item and we can arrange this if needed.
CUSTODIAN Zhaoxia Zhou
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SITE West Park


Bench-top plasma cleaning system used for the removal of organic contamination (hydrocarbon) from electron microscopy specimens and specimen holders.

Can also be used to remove carbon films from samples that have previously been carbon evaporation coated.

Plasma cleaning enhances electron microscopy imaginary and can be used to remove carbonaceous material for compositional surface analysis without causing damage surface or topography.

Sample must be attached to a stub or in the case of TEM, it must be 3mm to fit in the TEM holder.

Theory - Plasma cleaning


Plasma system:

  • Ion energies less than 12eV
  • Compatible with TEM specimen holders for FEI/Philips, Hitachi, JEOL, Zeiss/LEO, and Topcon

Vacuum system

  • Ultimate vacuum of 1 x 10-7 mbar


  • Nominal 10 psi (200 kPa) delivery pressure
  • Flow rate is factory set and can be adjusted via a potentiometer located on the service panel



User interface


Ancillary equipment: TEM sample holder, SEM stub holder (upto 6 stubs), Quick Clamp holder (upto 5mm depth)

Future Upgrades

Item ID #2320.

Last Updated: 18th June, 2024

Plasma Cleaner