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Anechoic Chamber

TRAINING Training is required to use this item and we can arrange this if needed.
CUSTODIAN Professor Victor Krylov
Enquire about this item
SITE West Park


Anechoic chamber with full vehicle access, used for acoustics and vibration measurements with optional noise flow generator. No gas extraction facilities.


The Anechoic Chamber is built as a double-shell system. It is acoustically isolated from the rest of the building and from adjacent reverberation chamber by an air gap and is supported on vibration isolation mounts. The inner wall consists of concrete, at least 230 mm thick, the outer wall is a brickwork. The inner room is mounted on VIBREX OMEGA springs. The room has a wire mesh floor. For bringing in larger test objects, including passenger cars, the room can be provided with a removable grid floor.

Wall lining

Walls, ceiling and floor of the Anechoic Chamber are lined with glass-fiber wedges (G+H ASONAD) that provide sound absorption at frequencies above 100 Hz and thus prevent sound reflection from the room boundaries, so that free-field conditions hold.


The effective dimensions between wedges are: L x W x H=6.4 x 5.2 x 5.3 m (176.4 cubic metres)

The acoustically usable 'free field' range measures are: L x W x H=4.7 x 3.5 x 3.6 m (59.2 cubic metres)


The Anechoic Chamber can be accessed from the Reverberation Chamber through a double wing door, from the outside through a personal emergency door, and through a vehicle access door. The two doors to the outside are built as double door systems.

Reverberation Chamber


The Reverberation Chamber is the inner shell of a double shell building structure. It is made of concrete.


The clear measures of the room are: L x W x H=11.5 x 7.0 x 6.0 m (483 cubic metres)

The Reverberation Chamber is not empty: all acoustic equipment of the Acoustics and Vibration Research Unit, including furniture, are kept inside.


The Reverberation Chamber can be accessed from the outside through a double door system. At the opposite side the door to the Anechoic Chamber is located.

Item ID #776.

Last Updated: 1st November, 2012

Anechoic Chamber